Thursday, February 21, 2019

A perfect moon

I'm not sure what it is exactly that makes the moon the focus of my photos so often lately, but it seems like there is something about the crystal clear skies and cold winter nights that make me want to look at it.  It looks, to me, like it has been taking up more room in the sky lately too, so I can't help but set up my tripod and go grab a few captures of it.

Here is the most recent fruit of my labors in the cold.

Oh yeah, I also created a new watermark.  Something simple and to the point.

Thursday, February 14, 2019


Tonight had a beautiful sunset, so I decided to get a few captures.  I transferred them to my phone and edited them while my son was at karate.  I also grabbed a few open source fonts and created a watermark.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Snow Day Part II

Just a quick update from yesterday's snow fun.  I grabbed a few minutes to edit one of my pics, I'm still working on learning my way through Lightroom and post-processing.  A lot has changed since I first starting working with photo editing way back when.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Snow Day

Today we had a bit of a storm roll through.  The weatherman forecast a lot worse than we have seen thus far but nonetheless it allowed for a bit of time outside trying to capture the snow as it fell.  Unfortunately it was a fast moving snow and wasn't a bunch of big ol' flakes to catch as they fell but it was a chance to at least see how the different settings reacted to the snowfall.  Stay tuned for edits (provided I can pull good edits from the RAW I captured).


Welcome to my new blog.  I thought I would start with an introduction.  

I am by no means a professional photographer, but I have been photographing as a hobby for as long as I remember.  My father taught me the basics on his 1970-something Yashica and I have maintained photography as a hobby since.  

I recently finally switched from my "old-faithful" Nikon D100 to a Nikon D5600.  As I re-learn photography, follow me and see where my adventures in photography take me.

Pic dump as promised

Some of these are better than others as I work on polishing my editing skills, but I am still happy with them all. Axton!  My first ...